
Lloyds on Facebook

What’s a Lloyd?


A cornerstone of San Francisco’s vibrant New Wave music scene from a time that pre-dated the internet, here at last is a website to bring all the scattered threads of music, video, photos and stories about The Lloyds together under one roof, and pay tribute to the insanely fun band that rocked the San Francisco Bay Area in the late ’70s and early ’80s.


 If you were a part of that time and a part of our audiences, we hope you’ll enjoy this reminder of that heady and fun period, and thanks for visiting!





The Lloyds


_Ronnie Jay and Lulu Lewis brought the name to the band. It’s a word they used to describe a “lovable jerk, or sometimes…not so lovable”. As Ronnie put it:


“There is such a thing as a Lloyd so, therefore, there is a collective term:  Lloyds.  Lulu and I had a high school friend, Don Shimizu (Akira), who had several expressions, including Lloyd, as in, ‘What a Lloyd that guy is!’ (when Don used it, the term meant jerk or bozo).  ‘Lloyd pressure’ was something your boss would exert upon you.


Later when asked, Lulu just said the definition was always evolving. So, we’ll go with that!


We hope this clears up all questions related to Lloyd(s), and any other existential and philosophical issues that have ever come up or may ever come up in the future!


Nothing In Return